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Big Data for Peace and Justice

big data services provider
2 min read

First Line Software recently took part in an educational project of Leiden University in the Netherlands. The main goals of the project are the popularization of digital technologies in humanitarian organizations, growth in the usage of big data in social research, and applying information technology to help people in difficult life situations.

Summer School Big Data for Peace & Justice is part of the elective program of Leiden University. It was created to encourage innovation in charitable and humanitarian organizations. Students of the course are practitioners and humanitarian workers from all over the world. The course helps them to get an idea of how modern technologies, and Big Data and Data Science tools in particular, can be used in the types of work their organizations are doing.

Aleksei Petrov, head of First Line Software’s Big Data department, spent a week learning about tasks and problems faced by humanitarian organizations:

Humanitarian programs are very popular in Europe. Many volunteers are working in regions with difficulties in the economy, political situations, and environmental problems. They help people there and monitor the observance of human rights. As technical specialists, we explained how big data and data collection and analysis tools could help in charitable and humanitarian work”.

First Line Software is a partner of Leiden University in the area of software. It is also a part of a global team that creates a modern humanistic environment. First Line Software took part in the development of several software solutions for the humanitarian sector of Europe. Example projects include the system of web news monitoring CredibleU, and also a mobile app for mobile consultations for African people named YapiLi.

The partnership with Leiden University is a direct result of the establishment of a local division of First Line Software in The Hague, in 2013.

Summer School Big Data for Peace & Justice is an annual week-long educational course at Leiden University in the Netherlands. The project is led by the University’s Innovation Center xHumanity, whose goal is the development of digital innovative solutions in the field of humanitarian disciplines. Summer School Big Data for Peace & Justice unites experts in big data and innovations and students who are working on projects related to big data in the humanitarian sector.

If your organization is involved in charitable or humanitarian work, and you are interested in exploring how various information technologies, tools, and solutions can benefit you, get in touch with us for a free consultation.

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