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Why Healthcare As A Service (HAAS) Is Here To Stay?

healthcare as a service haas
3 min read

Organizations in the healthcare sector are under intense pressure. They have to maintain high standards of medical service while enhancing safety and cutting costs. With the rising incidence of chronic illnesses, the aging population, greater patient demands and expectations, and a shortage of skilled medical experts, it is critical to find realistic yet effective solutions.

According to numerous studies, outcomes in terms of performance and quality are higher when patients take an active role in their personal care.

As medical services’ final consumers, healthcare professionals see patients more clearly. As in any industry, this has made patient satisfaction and happiness the top priority for healthcare facilities.

What is Patient Relationship Management (PRM)?

The concept of patient relationship management (PRM) is frequently used in the medical field, wherein patients are indeed the primary clients. CRM is a tool for the healthcare industry that helps with patient knowledge, pertinent interaction, relationship development, timely delivery of the right data, and monitoring patient outcomes to make the necessary corrections.

What is Customer Relationship Management (CRM)?

Customer relationship management (CRM) is an advanced technology system aiming to increase customer pleasure, trust, and revenue through acquiring, developing, and maintaining successful customer connections and interactions. From the standpoint of healthcare, Benz and Paddison characterized CRM as a method to learn about patients to communicate effectively and to create excellent relationships to offer timely information, with the patient’s results tracked to make the required adjustments.

Methods for patient engagement and its significance

  • According to research, increasing a patient’s perception of involvement is associated with improvements in various self-management behaviors. Treatments may be more effective when tailored to a patient’s stimulation level. Studies have also found that measures including expanded interaction, individual counseling, collaborative outcomes, easy access to individual health records and physicians, and intense focus on goals that matter to patients and their families may promote patient activation and personality. 

  • Another method for reducing the distance between patient encounters and their continuous information but monitoring systems requirements is using patient portals, dashboards, and other information technology-enabled equipment. Telephonic care and e-mail make it easy for people to connect with their providers and get the required details. And following the implementation of electronic health records, which enabled improved healthcare devices to communicate, one organization saw a 9% decrease in doctor visits. Corresponding to this, health providers enable patients to interact with their physicians, retrieve private patient data, and keep track of their personal health, promoting their active involvement in their care.

  • Thanks to easier access to health-related monitoring, including tracking tools like built-in pedometers, diet management systems, and body mass index and heart rate recordings, a wide range of applications have been made possible by the introduction of mobile phones. A recent study of the use of mobile phones for managing chronic diseases discovered strategies for incorporating the use of a smartphone for preventing any disease condition, detection, and administration, including tracking, as well as health education. The therapies included a wide spectrum of chronic conditions, which include diabetes mellitus, asthma, neurodegeneration, and high blood pressure. Higher levels of audience engagement but also delight were indicated in all intervention studies.

  • According to research by Frost et al. and the President’s Commission for the Study of Ethical Problems in Medicine and Biomedical and Behavioral Research, clients have expressed an interest in being more involved in their treatment and properly informed regarding their wellness. For example, according to Fox, 80 percent of Internet users today look for online health information. People research evaluations, examinations, and medications to understand how much they change after visiting a doctor. 

  • Although the quality of such online material varies, and it ought to be used carefully, the increased health-related interest provides a chance to expand patient participation in their personal care, including the treatment of their loved ones, as well as the advancement of the system as a whole. It also emphasizes new responsibilities for medical practitioners working alongside users to offer trustworthy internet sources of health information. Additionally, there seems to be potential to include patient input in creating innovative treatment techniques such as patient-centered medical homes, health homes, and accountable care organizations (ACOs).

HAAS and reduced stress among clinicians

Improvements in suffering and pain, and quicker overall health rehabilitation, including major changes in mental well-being, have all been linked to patient and loved ones’ engagement in decision-making in primary care settings. Similar findings have been made with heart attack patients who did not receive patient-centered treatment and afterward had lower long-term outcomes regarding their general health and chance of suffering chest symptoms.

Resources are used less frequently when patients are given care focused on them. Studies have shown that patient-centered communication is associated with fewer diagnostic tests and referrals in primary care visits. According to related research, patients who were given less patient-centered care had annual costs that were 51 times higher than those who received higher physician care. A study suggested that informed clients have been up to 20% less likely than others when choosing surgical treatment. Furthermore, insightful people frequently select less invasive and expensive therapies.


Decision-making involving the patient’s family has been linked to a  growing healthcare organization that strives to include clients and society because of the benefits of doing so. Developing this engagement involves a multitude of barriers, such as altering the medical profession’s current ethos and developing measurements that appropriately reflect the level of participation.

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