
Why is Static Application Security Testing (SAST) Critical?

In a time when software-driven innovations continue to push the boundaries of what’s possible, a report of the Consortium for Information & Software Quality serves as an urgent call to action. It underscores the critical importance of quality in software development and emphasizes that cutting corners or prioritizing speed over security can have far-reaching consequences. 

Software vulnerabilities can lead to devastating consequences, including data breaches, financial losses, and reputational damage. One key practice that plays a pivotal role in ensuring software security is secure code review. In this article, we’ll delve into the critical aspects of secure code review, highlighting the reasons why it’s an essential step in the software development process.

Understanding Secure Code Reviews

Code reviews are a well-established practice in software development, aimed at identifying issues and improving the quality of code. Static Application security testing (SAST) is a specialized area of code review that focuses on evaluating the security aspects of the software’s source code. Unlike activities such as Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST) and penetration testing, which operate at different levels of the development process, secure code review exclusively analyzes the source code to uncover vulnerabilities.

Deciphering Secure Code Review vs. Dynamic Application Security Testing

In the intricate tapestry of software development, the thread of security must weave seamlessly throughout every phase—from inception and analysis to design, implementation, testing and integration, and finally, maintenance.

Amid this critical pursuit of security, it’s imperative to distinguish between secure code reviews and application security testing. While multiple methodologies exist to assess an application’s security, such as penetration testing, fuzzing, and dynamic testing, a comprehensive examination of the code itself stands as the singular approach to meticulously scrutinize the entire attack surface. This vantage point offers unparalleled insights into potential vulnerabilities lurking within edge cases and elusive application states, which might otherwise escape other testing techniques.

Secure code reviews, versatile in their timing, can be undertaken at any juncture of the software development journey. However, they often find their most effective footing during the development phase. At this stage, bugs are more pliable and amenable to correction, benefiting from a blend of automated tools and manual scrutiny. In contrast, dynamic application security testing and penetration testing necessitate a functioning system and real-world data to conduct evaluations.

The distinctiveness of secure code reviews lies in their proactive nature, dissecting the code’s fabric to unveil latent vulnerabilities before they surface in real-world scenarios. This not only fortifies the software against potential exploits but also streamlines the remediation process, given the malleability of code in its development stage.

In contrast, dynamic application security testing and penetration testing operates in a more reactive realm, responding to an already functional system. While their insights are invaluable, they come with limitations tied to their reliance on a running system and data.

The divergence between secure code reviews and Dynamic application testing lies in their focus and timing. Secure code reviews unravel potential vulnerabilities early on, lending themselves to both automation and manual expertise. On the other hand, application security testing, while essential, is better suited for validating security measures in a functioning system. By recognizing the nuanced roles of each approach, software developers can craft a comprehensive security strategy that fortifies their creations against a rapidly evolving threat landscape.

The Role of Automation in Secure Code Review

Automation plays a significant role in streamlining secure code review processes. Automated tools help identify low-hanging fruit vulnerabilities and allow developers to concentrate on higher-level security issues. Let’s explore some of the aspects that can be automated:

  1. Empowering with Static Application Security Testing (SAST) Tools

At the forefront of automated security assessment are SAST tools, which employ sophisticated methodologies to scrutinize source code for vulnerabilities. These tools excel in detecting a range of threats, including injection attacks, buffer overflows, and misconfigurations. A noteworthy advantage is their integration into Integrated Development Environments (IDEs), delivering instantaneous feedback to developers as they write code. Some prominent examples of widely used SAST tools are SonarQube, Veracode, Snyk Code, and Synopsys.

  1. Unveiling Hidden Secrets with Automated Scanning

The safeguarding of sensitive information embedded within code is a crucial aspect of secure code review. Automated secret scanning tools, such as GitGuardian, shine in identifying exposed credentials and confidential data. This proactive approach helps avert potential data breaches and unauthorized access to critical resources, reinforcing the software’s overall security posture.

  1. Elevating Dependency Management with Software Composition Analysis (SCA)

In the realm of modern software development, dependencies on third-party components are ubiquitous. Here, SCA tools emerge as indispensable allies, meticulously assessing these external components for known vulnerabilities. This automated analysis is instrumental in maintaining a robust software foundation and managing dependencies effectively. Noteworthy options in the SCA landscape include GitHub Dependabot, Snyk Open Source, and Synopsys Black Duck.

  1. Swift and Accurate Vulnerability Identification

Automation not only expedites the vulnerability detection process but also ensures accuracy. By automating routine scans, developers can swiftly identify low-hanging fruit vulnerabilities, freeing up valuable time for more intricate security considerations.

  1. Ensuring Consistency and Compliance

Automated tools enforce coding standards and security best practices consistently across the codebase. This promotes a unified approach to security and compliance, reducing the risk of inadvertent vulnerabilities slipping through the cracks.

Manual Secure Code Review

While automation provides efficiency and consistency, certain security issues require human insight. Manual secure code review involves in-depth analysis by developers who possess a deep understanding of the software’s intricacies. Here are some areas where manual review shines:

  1. Maintainability and Complexity

Complex code can lead to maintenance challenges and vulnerabilities slipping through. Manual reviewers can identify and suggest simplifications for overly complex code.

  1. New Dependencies

The manual review ensures that new dependencies are scrutinized for popularity, security history, and maintenance status before integration.

  1. Business Logic Flaws

Unlike automated tools, humans can detect business logic flaws that arise from nuanced interactions and meanings of input.

  1. Proper Use of Encryption

Human reviewers can assess encryption implementation to ensure sensitive data is properly protected.

  1. Error Handling

The manual review ensures error messages are appropriately tailored, not revealing sensitive information that could aid attackers.

The Secure Code Review Process

Conducting a secure code review involves a strategic approach that combines automation and human expertise. Our process is as follows: 

  • Baseline Checks: Developers use automated SAST tools during coding to identify basic vulnerabilities.
  • Manual Inspection: Skilled reviewers manually analyze code for complex vulnerabilities, focusing on key entry points and business logic.
  • Threat Model Review: Reviewers assess code against identified threats from the threat modeling report created during the design phase.
  • Security Checks: Reviewers ensure authentication, authorization, access control, data validation, encryption, and error handling are properly implemented.
  • Iterative Improvements: Developers address identified issues, ensuring code quality and security improve with each iteration.

The Value of Regular Secure Code Reviews

Regular secure code reviews provide several benefits, including:

  • Early Vulnerability Detection: Identifying vulnerabilities early in development minimizes their impact and reduces the cost of remediation.
  • Enhanced Developer Knowledge: Code reviews foster learning opportunities for developers, increasing their security awareness and knowledge.
  • Consistent Coding Standards: Automated tools enforce coding standards, leading to consistent and secure codebases.
  • Quality Metrics: Review metrics offer insights into code quality, aiding in continuous improvement.

Secure code review is an indispensable component of modern software development. By combining automation and human expertise, you can uncover vulnerabilities, prevent security breaches, and ensure the delivery of robust, secure software. Embracing the principles and practices of secure code review enables organizations to protect their software assets and build a resilient foundation for innovation.

Learn more about our Security Code Review service and get a free quote for your project.

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