The Cloud-Based Electronic Medical Records System

The Challenge
The client engaged with First Line Software to develop a cloud-based EMR according to their requirements. First Line engineers were responsible for designing and developing both the desktop version and mobile application, conducting testing, and ultimately providing post-release maintenance. The team was composed of more than 20 technical experts including an architect, developers, a business analyst, software testers, a UX designer, and mobile developers.
The Product
Designed for specialists and general medical practices the Clinic to Cloud platform can be used by a medical practice of any size and at any location. The application is accessible from any desktop or laptop running Windows or Mac operating system as well Apple or Android mobile devices with a native Clinic to Cloud mobile application.
The Practice Administration module provides functionality for configuring practice details, scheduling, messaging, prescribing medication controls integrations and access rights for users. It also allows doctors to manage their settings and set preferences and favorites for their letter writing, voice to text controls, investigations both pathology and imaging.
The receptionist teams can manage appointments, schedules, demographics of patients, intake patient appointments, invoice and claim from Medicare and Private insurers, send or schedule SMS and or Email reminders, letters and much more.
Doctors and clinical staff are able to run consults, prescribe medication with decision support, request investigations for pathology and imaging via integrated request forms, review income results and referrals, write letters with the built in voice recognition system, manage patient clinical history, diagnosis with ICD10 codes and much more.
Key technical features
- Application hosting using MS Azure
- MS Azure (Web Apps, SQL Database, Blob storage, failover support via Traffic Manager and SQL Geo-Replication, VMs for custom services and 3rd party applications)
- Integration with Medicare (universal healthcare system in Australia) using external service
- Integration with Medication and Medication Interactions (MIMS) databases
- Integration with Secure Messaging systems
- Middleware for sharing HL7 format files
- Middleware for One-touch on-demand printing and scanning via a browser
- Xero financials – Integrated
- Application for patients to view clinical information, provide personal details, and search for appointments in practices
- iOS and Android mobile apps that replicate the functionality available in the web version.
- Integration and fully supporting speech recognition functionality
- Migration from other EMR systems to Clinic to Cloud functionality (ETL-based process of hosting new Users\Clinics\Practices from other EMR systems on the AUS market)
The Technological Stack
Microsoft SQL Server; Windows Azure; C#; ASP.NET; Speech recognition
Learn more
- Cloud Transformation Services
- Clinovera – Health Tech Expertise from First Line Software