Application Maintenance & Support

Optimization | Maintenance | Support
Application Maintenance & Support

IT challenges in Business. Can you relate?

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Aging IT software systems

  • Outdated software systems leading to compatibility issues, security vulnerabilities, and reduced functionality.
  • Compatibility challenges and restricted support for modern applications.
  • Higher maintenance costs and increased risk of system failures.
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Downtime and software systems outages

  • Unplanned downtime disrupting business operations and revenue generation.
  • Difficulty in identifying root causes and prolonged resolution times.
  • Impact on customer satisfaction and reputation.
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Inadequate IT Support and service

  • Overburdened internal IT teams struggling to meet the organization’s needs.
  • Slow response times and limited expertise in handling complex issues.
  • Difficulty in balancing day-to-day support and strategic initiatives.
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Scalability and flexibility issues

  • Difficulty expanding application systems to support business growth. Obstacles to introducing new integrations with other systems into the current one.
  • Increased costs associated with adjusting system size to meet changing business requirements.

We can help. What you get by working with us

  • Access to Specialized Skills. First Line Software has in-house experts in their respective fields. By outsourcing to application maintenance and support to these specialists, customers gain access to a higher level of expertise and support, resulting in improved efficiency and better outcomes.
  • Focus on Core Business. By offloading non-core tasks to us, customers can focus their internal resources and attention on their core business functions. This focus can lead to better product development, customer service, and overall competitiveness.
  • Cost Savings. Clients benefit from reduced  outage’s and other issues for their application or platform by utilizing First Line Software’s application support resource’s expertise.
  • Proactive Support and Monitoring. First Line Software offers proactive support and monitoring, which can prevent potential issues or downtime. This enhanced reliability and continuous support contribute to improved productivity and customer satisfaction.
  • Minimal Time Zone Differences. Our operational hours align with yours, facilitating real-time collaboration, quicker decision-making, and faster response times to meet the demands of your business.
  • Language and Culture. Leverage our Central Europe and LATAM-based support staff’s proficiency in English and Spanish for smooth communication, along with a nuanced understanding of North and South American markets, fostering stronger client relationships across a broad spectrum.
IT Application Support Person

Our Methodologies, Teams, and Tools

  • The First Line Software support model is powered by ITIL® v4
  •  Service Modes are 7x24x365, or custom to our customers requirements
  • First Line Software’s Application Support group provides experienced  L1 – L3 resources for world-wide customers from our major support centers in Central Europe and LATAM
  • The application maintenance and support team tools, skills and expertise include:
    • Incident/Problem/Change management (Atlassian’s Jira Service Management)
    • Extensive practical experience in deploying and configuring monitoring systems with latest AI features (Zabbix, Prometheus)
    • Expertise in the configuration of high availability and fault-tolerance services
  • We can adapt/learn/use customer supplied support tools
Dedicated Software Development Testing

Inclusion Steps

Inclusion steps

Accelerated Gen AI Excellence

First Line Software has been a leader in the most advanced ways of software development for decades. Our engineers, who helped pioneer the significant milestones of Agile, Public Cloud, and DevSecOps, are now immersed in Gen AI-empowered software development. By adopting this cutting-edge technology into our processes, First Line Software’s teams can develop exceptional software faster, while maintaining top-level quality. We are constantly adopting the best Gen AI tools available, as well as creating our own Gen AI tools to accelerate our client’s technology excellence and shorten their time-to-market. That means our clients see better results, sooner.

Gen AI is a revolutionary productivity amplifier, we can show you how it can work for your business. The Gen AI marathon has already started- let us help you set the pace. We aim to find the perfect, custom fit for your company for the long haul.

First Line Software powered by AI

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Expert Guidance

Tailored advisory services for selecting AI tools aligned with your support needs and goals.

Customization Expertise

Specialized customization of AI solutions to optimize support processes and enhance user experience.

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Seamless Integration

Integration of AI tools to your existing toolset for streamlined operations and enhanced efficiency.

First Line Software Logo

Featured Case Studies

  1. First Line Software AI Assistants
    Enhance customer engagement and support responsiveness with an AI-powered chatbot integrated into your website.
  2. AI-Based Training Modules
    Equip support agents with advanced AI training modules to improve their skills and efficiency in resolving customer issues.
  3. Text-to-Speech Ticket Generation
    Streamline ticket creation processes with AI-driven text-to-speech modules, enabling efficient gathering and creation of user tickets.


How quickly will IT support respond to our requests?

Our support team will reply according to the terms established with the customer in the Service Level Agreement, with the response time varying based on the severity of the issue.

What makes your application maintenance & support service stand out from competitors?

We adapt the support terms individually for the Client, we strive to support the services entrusted to us proactively and safely, we think about how to increase the efficiency of the systems and resources used.

Is your IT service support suitable for small businesses?

Absolutely! Our services are designed to cater to businesses of all sizes, including small and medium enterprises.

Is it possible to develop improvements to systems that are under support?

Of course, we have development resources who have expertise in custom development in a wide variety of industries.

How quickly can a support team be formed, preparatory work carried out and work started?

It depends on the complexity of the project. This may take two to eight weeks.

What Elements are required for Operations?

It depends, but in most cases following elements:

  1. System documentation: solution architecture, operational, user and development documentation
  2. Setup codes and assembly documentation
  3. SLA description
  4. Change/Incident/Problem/Release management order
  5. Test Plan and Methodology, Test Report
  6. Systems Emergency Recovery and Failsafe Plan
  7. Monitoring/Backup implementation plan
  8. Escalation Matrix
  9. Forms of regular report etc.

What steps to take when accepting a system for support?

See above the “Inclusion steps” which shows the stages of work when accepting systems for support.

What is the Company doing to mitigate the risks of security incidents?

To mitigate the occurrence of incidents related to security and risks of data leakage, we use the following approaches:

  • permanent staff training
  • limit access to only necessary information
  • use multi-factor authentication and data encryption
  • regular software updates
  • comply with laws regarding working with personal data
  • update policies and procedures.

Do you use any AI elements in your work and tools?

Yes, we do. In new versions of Zabbix and Prometheus, which we use for monitoring systems, manufacturers introduced elements of AI: smart triggers that can identify and predict anomalies in service metrics. AI elements are also being introduced into Atlassian Jira systems.

Work Highlights for Application Maintenance & Support

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Whether you have a problem that needs solving or a great idea you’d like to explore, our team is always on hand to help you.