Application Security Code Review

Enhancing Secure Testing: Prioritizing Safety Over Regret
security code review

Expert Application Security Code Review Services

First Line Software has decades of experience building secure software. We have unique insights into how vulnerabilities, attacks, and penetrations threaten and expose companies, their data, and their customers to risks. We help mitigate these risks through sophisticated state-of-the-art analysis, planning, and prudent recommendations. Our mission is to be the trusted advisor to our clients in their journey towards secure software and applications. Embark on your journey to a safer digital future with us today!

Did you know that researchers saw an 8% surge in global weekly cyberattacks in Q2 2023?

The average organization faces an average of 1258 attacks per week.

North America, Latin America, and Europe showcasing extraordinary surges in cyber onslaughts compared to the preceding 2022 year.

Brace for impact as North America boasts a staggering 52% surge, igniting an alarm among stakeholders.

Latin America makes its mark with a 29% upswing.

Europe had increased cyber attacks by a 26% spike, underscoring the imperativeness of a resilient cyber infrastructure.

Cyber Attacks per week 2022-2023

Ensuring Your Software’s Security Through Rigorous Code Analysis

Why Application Security Code Review is Crucial for Your Software?

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Attack prevention

Organizations can effectively mitigate approximately 25% to 40% of potential security vulnerabilities and associated cyber attacks.

The primary value of security code review is in protecting applications from threats outside because each application possibly can have some undiscovered or unchecked vulnerabilities and weaknesses. Application security code review can help companies to defend against cybercriminals, and this process should be a constant part of the development process, especially if applications usually use third-party integrations with other services.

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Cost efficiency

By addressing the security issue during the development phase, the company can save approximately 30 times in direct costs and prevent potential reputation damage.

The cost of solving a security issue on production is significantly higher than solving it during the development phase. It is important to note that vulnerabilities are often discovered only after the product has been deployed. Besides that, one critical security issue can cause the loss of customer trust and the reputation of the company and lead to outflow of customers.

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Regulatory compliance

Confidentiality. Integrity. Availability

Regulatory standards laid out in HIPAA, GDPR, ISO 27001, PCI-DSS, and others require companies to often do mandatory testing and audits of their security systems.

Expensive fines can be levied if companies don’t adhere to these rules.

Our Application Security Code Review Process

We offer services that can help you identify potential security issues, including the OWASP’s Top 10, in your code:

Automated Code Review

Our experts will help you:

  1. Discover and choose suitable tools to perform security code analysis.
  2. Integrate tools into your CI/CD process and customize the setting of scanning to increase efficiency of security testing.
  3. Validate results and prepare recommendations to eliminate security issues.

Full code review with fixing issues

  1. This service includes all steps from automated code review.
  2. Additional manual security code review.
  3. Investigate, prioritize and fix issues.

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What will you receive in our Application Security Code Review?

The review report will contain unique deliverables:

1. List of vulnerabilities with description and prioritization

Each vulnerability will have a detailed description, elucidating its nature, potential impact, and the specific circumstances under which it could be exploited.

We assign a risk rating to each vulnerability based on factors such as potential impact, exploitability, and the likelihood of occurrence.

2. List of fixed issues

A crucial aspect of the audit report is the list of issues that have been successfully addressed and rectified.

This section will catalog the vulnerabilities that were identified during testing and, subsequently, remediated during the fix phase.

A QA team will assess whether the modifications have any impact on the product’s functionalities.

3. Recommendations for SDLC process to prevent security issues in the future

This proactive approach helps identify potential vulnerabilities before they become deeply ingrained in the codebase.

Accelerated Gen AI Excellence

First Line Software has been a leader in the most advanced ways of software development for decades. Our engineers, who helped pioneer the significant milestones of Agile, Public Cloud, and DevSecOps, are now immersed in Gen AI-empowered software development. By adopting this cutting-edge technology into our processes, First Line Software’s teams can develop exceptional software faster, while maintaining top-level quality. We are constantly adopting the best Gen AI tools available, as well as creating our own Gen AI tools to accelerate our client’s technology excellence and shorten their time-to-market. That means our clients see better results, sooner.

Gen AI is a revolutionary productivity amplifier, we can show you how it can work for your business. The Gen AI marathon has already started- let us help you set the pace. We aim to find the perfect, custom fit for your company for the long haul.

Ask Our Skilled Application Security Code Review Expert

Coy Cardwell

Coy Cardwell

Principal Engineer

Coy Cardwell is a dedicated lifelong technologist with a rich history spanning over 25 years in safeguarding critical information from the clutches of hackers. Throughout his extensive career, he has been a steadfast advocate for cybersecurity, extending his expertise to assist both software developers and their clients in fortifying their code and data.

Additionally, his profound contributions have extended to collaborating with law enforcement agencies, aligning with their mission to ensure digital security. Coy’s passion and commitment have also led him to engage with a diverse audience, tirelessly conveying the significance of cybersecurity to anyone willing to lend an ear.

Application Security demands an End-to-End process.

Get in touch with us today and experience the difference.